Monday, May 3, 2010

Ricardo Jaime: “I am being subjected to persecution”


ricardo jaime

Ricardo Jaime, former Secretary of Transportation, reported being subject to persecution and accused newspaper Clarín of wanting to bribe his former son in law, Sebastian, former husband of his daughter.

“I am available to investigators,” the former kirchnerist official said, regarding the case against him on alleged illicit enrichment.

Jaime said today that “he is being subjected to persecution.”

“I’ve changed my decision of not to speaking because it has to do with something that, in my opinion, is extremely serious and I want to let know why I think I’m being subjected to persecution,” the former official said at a press conference.

The multi-accused former secretary said that from 6 April, 2010, a journalist from Clarín newspaper, Omar Lavieri, began writing to his daughter’s ex husband. “I